Monday, November 15, 2004

Insane security

Raymond Chen posted about some questions better left unanswered because the answer is unreliable. This quote cracked me up:

"You cannot reliably reason about the security of a system from within the system itself. It's like trying to prove to yourself that you aren't insane."

Although the quote is funny, he makes several points about security that developers should heed. Commenters have taken the post a bit out of context - but the side point he makes is valid. Since most of my audience is setup/installation developers, I'll direct my comments towards that community.

The next time you are given a design document for installing a service, please make sure to ask about the security level required for the service. Make sure to raise objections to installing a service with access to the desktop without good reason (read comments to this post for more information related to the shatter attack) . Ask if LocalSystem access for the service can be reduced to a more restrictive account (HINT: There is a sample for creating user accounts within an MSI in the Platform SDK). Most of all, insist that scoping of installation/deployment design is best when it is done with the scoping of the feature or application - not after. This way, the application developer can develop in an environment closest to that which will ultimately be deployed to customers in the installation with no surprises looming at the end of a development cycle.

In case you haven't noticed, Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 have tightened up security in these areas. Instead of blindly loosening up the default restrictions this brings, take the application to the next level by understanding why the restriction is now the default in the first place, and learn how to program taking into account this more secure environment. As a setup developer, your customer is the end user. Make sure you are on the side of the customer when it comes to security.

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